September 28, 2022

we gave second change to toys

KyklOIKOdromio proudly and gratefully gave a second chance to children's toys that were given to KyklOIKOdromio by friends. Children's toys, which were no longer useful for some children after they grew up, found a new home at the Multisense - A Multi-Thematic Therapeutic Center for Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Special Education. There is a very basic idea that has greatly contributed to a more efficient, circular system: exchanging the products we already own and don't need. When we don't use something, it might be useful to someone else.
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The "kyklOIKOdromio" is founded with the aim and vision of protecting the environment and is dedicated to the memory of the distinguished teacher Elli Themistokleous Achilleos.
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