Participatory Processes (PP) are specific methods used to achieve active participation by all members of a team in a decision-making process. The approach can be used for most challenges and should provide equal opportunities for all involved. The primary goal is to create productive discussions in order to develop positive solutions. The choice of method depends on what the participants want to achieve, as each method uses different procedures and results. Each method should be treated holistically as a specific way of thinking and not as an individual tool. KyklOIKOodromio has brought together two of the most successful participatory processes to serve as inspiration for small and large groups (eg organized groups, local authorities, policy makers) who want to optimize collaboration for environmental decision-making. More are available online.


Conversations over coffee, create a fun, informal and effective way to discuss and find new solutions to specific challenges.
Resources required
Paper, pens and / or markers.
The goal is to discuss different points of view and get new ideas related to one or more specific challenges. It can also be used for critical reflection in a specific situation.
The session has a general theme and some sub-topics, which are presented to the group during the introduction. The participants are then divided into small groups and placed around a table, as in a cafe. A person in charge is also placed at each table and is responsible for a sub-theme. The person in charge is responsible for ensuring that all comments, ideas and suggestions are recorded. The goal is not to criticize the ideas of others, but to make as many good suggestions as possible. Each group discusses this challenge for ten minutes and then moves to a new table to discuss the next challenge. Each person in charge stays at his / her table and when a new group comes, he / she explains what the previous group discussed and includes the new group in this discussion. Each group visits each table once. After a complete rotation the hosts present the results of the discussions. It is useful for the number of participants to be at least 15 or more and for each round table (thematic challenge) to last about 15 minutes.
Go to Sustainable Development Goals


The future workshop is designed to enable participants to create an action plan to address a specific issue. This method is ideal for 15-20 people.
Resources required
Blank worksheets and markers.
The goal is to engage participants in a decision-making process to address an issue with a practical action plan.
The “the workshop of the Future” is led by two people in charge. One of them starts communicating with the participants and the other acts as a scribe to record all the comments said. The workshop can be divided into four phases. - one preparatory phase and three laboratory phases. The preparatory phase involves defining the common theme of interest. The first phase of the workshop begins with a review where complaints and negative experiences related to the chosen topic are announced. This is followed by the fantasy phase, where participants gather solutions in response to problems. Solutions can take the form of desires and alternative views. The most interesting contributions are selected and small working groups develop them into project outlines. The workshop is completed with the implementation phase. During this stage, participants critically evaluate the project implementation possibilities, identifying obstacles and designing a creative solution so that an action plan can be drawn up.


The "kyklOIKOdromio" is founded with the aim and vision of protecting the environment and is dedicated to the memory of the distinguished teacher Elli Themistokleous Achilleos.
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