May 30, 2024

Visit and educational activities at the 17th Primary School of Polemidion

Visit and educational activities at the 17th Primary School of Polemidion
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On May 30, 2024, KyklOIKOdromio experts visited the 17th Primary School of Polemidia, in Limassol District.
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Visit and educational activities at the 17th Primary School of Polemidion

On May 30, 2024, KyklOIKOdromio experts visited the 17th Primary School of Polemidia, in  Limassol District. KyklOIKOdromio members educated 200 students about the principles of the circular economy (9Rs) and presented simple everyday examples of its application. During the visit, several children had the opportunity to attend the circular economy workshop, where they demonstrated their artistic skills, increasing the life cycle of objects. In the end, students and teachers recognized the value of the objects and discovered ways to repurpose items.

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The "kyklOIKOdromio" is founded with the aim and vision of protecting the environment and is dedicated to the memory of the distinguished teacher Elli Themistokleous Achilleos.
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