November 22, 2023

KyklOIKOdromio participated in the Circular Economy Event in the context of the Industry Week

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KyklOIKOdromio participated in the Circular Economy Awareness Day (20/11/2023) organized by the Industry and Technology Service, of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry.
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KyklOIKOdromio participated in the Circular Economy Event in the context of the Industry Week

KyklOIKOdromio participated in the Circular Economy Awareness Day (20/11/2023) organized by the Industry and Technology Service, of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry. Dr. Athena Georgiou Shippi and Stavros Stylianou presented the Circular for All Actions, which include the creation of the first pan-Cypriot online platform for the exchange, buying, selling, donating and repairing of used items and the creation of the first lending Library of Things in Cyprus, funded by U-SOLVE.

Circular economy practices can be implemented by everyone. By sharing, borrowing and repairing products, we give value to items that are no longer useful and prevent waste. A very basic idea that has contributed significantly to a more efficient and circular system is the sharing and exchange of products that we already own and do not need. KyklOIKOdromio has created the platform, a single online platform that promotes the exchange, donation and buying and selling of used items between citizens that are not useful to them but can be for another fellow citizen. Also, the platform was designed to promote repair centres so that one can search for small businesses that provide repair services.

In addition, the creation of the first “Library of Things” in Cyprus was officially announced at 16-18 Liasidou Street by KyklOIKOdromio, which is a collection of objects that one can borrow. Particularly suitable for the library are items that are useful occasionally but difficult to store, such as small kitchen appliances, tools, gardening equipment, electronics, toys, science kits, craft supplies, musical instruments, leisure equipment, etc. By renting items, it prevents the purchase of new products, especially those that are less used, thus preventing the production of new products and extending the life of those already in circulation in the economy. This reduces the waste of resources and raw materials and at the same time reduces the generation of waste.

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The "kyklOIKOdromio" is founded with the aim and vision of protecting the environment and is dedicated to the memory of the distinguished teacher Elli Themistokleous Achilleos.
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